PhotoCircle for Business provides you with access to your data even in Salesforce, via our custom Salesforce component.


  1. Install the package:
    1. Current version (1.8):
  2. Add PhotoCircle’s REST API to your CSP Trusted Sites.
    1. In Setup, navigate to SETTINGS > Security > CSP Trusted Sites, or search for “CSP Trusted Sites” in the search bar.
    2. Create a new site, by clicking the New Trusted Site button above the list.
    3. Enter the following details into the form:
      1. Trusted Site Name: PhotoCircle
      2. Trusted Site URL:
      3. Active: ✅ Enabled
      4. Context: All
      5. Under CSP Directives, enable for connect-src, img-src, and media-src.
  3. Now, when editing any page using the App Builder, you can add the PhotoCircle component to view recent uploads. When adding the component, you are required to provide your PhotoCircle REST API Key, and a format string specifying the internal ID of the desired Circle.
    1. The internal ID can be specified making use of record data when embedded on a record page. If the internal IDs in PhotoCircle are of the form ID-12345, and each record has a NumericId, then the internal ID specifcation for the component can be ID-{NumericId!}.

Source code

Our Salesforce integration is provided as an unmanaged package. This allows you to view and modify the source code of our component.

We recommend installing this package in a scratch org so you can audit the code if needed. A fresh scratch org will also allow you to install later versions of the package. These new versions can then be merged with any of your local changes, and then explicitly deployed to your production Salesforce org.


Upgrading can be done by retrieving new source code, and then pushing it into your org. You are free to modify the code as needed.

We recommend installing the package to a scratch org, and then pulling the code from there.

Security details

The integration is distributed as an unmanaged package, containing an Aura component that can be added onto your Lightning pages. The component loads data directly from the PhotoCircle API when loaded on a page, using JavaScript.

The API calls to PhotoCircle are authenticated using an API key included in the requests. The API key is specified on the page editor, when adding the component to a page.

This auth token is generated by the PhotoCircle team, and will be made available to your team upon request.
