PhotoCircle for Business provides integration with Zapier for automating circle creation, and much for more in the future.

  1. Access the application via our invite link:
  2. When prompted, either during Zap creation or when adding the application connection manually, enter your PhotoCircle REST API key.
  3. Set up your actions, ensuring that required fields are mapped and have appropriate values.
    1. Internal ID - An ID for the circle that is used only by users in your PhotoCircle workspace
    2. Title - The standard title for your circle, seen to external users if shared
    3. Member Email - An initial member email is required. It must be the email address of a user in your workspace.
    4. Group Name - A group name is a string like “North”. It is not required. Without a group specified, the new circle will be placed in your root group.

The action defines three outputs:

  1. Web App URL - A URL into the PhotoCircle for Web application.
  2. Admin App URL - A URL that links into the PhotoCircle Admin application. Only admins can access this app.
  3. Circle UUID - An identifier for the circle guaranteed to be unique in your PhotoCircle workspace.

Security details

The Zapier PhotoCircle integration is available as a private app. When creating your zaps, you will be prompted for a PhotoCircle REST API key. This is an auth token that will be included in the requests generated by Zapier.

This token is generated by the PhotoCircle team, and will be made available upon request.

